Mental Health Care Plans
Medicare rebates are available for counselling services. To be eligible for a rebate you will need to obtain a Mental Health Care Plan from a GP prior to attending your appointment (you may need to call the reception when booking the GP appointment to see whether a longer appointment is required).
After the first six sessions, your counsellor is required to write to your referring GP. Reports are typically short and provide general feedback- specific details from sessions remain confidential. You will need to revisit your GP for an additional referral letter before you can claim an additional four rebates on sessions.
Non-Directive Pregnancy Counselling
This is a bulk billed service that is available for women who are currently or have been pregnant within the last 12 months.
To access this perinatal counselling bulk billed, clients need a referral letter from their GP requesting three session under Medicare Item Number 81005.
Medicare Provider Number: 5682391J