Uncomplicated UTI Program - Pharmacy 777

Uncomplicated UTI Program available in-pharmacy

Women in WA, VIC, SA, QLD and NSW are now able to access timely, appropriate, and convenient treatment for symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) from their local participating pharmacy.

Patients eligible for this program are 18 to 65 years old females who present symptoms of uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), with no other medical history.

Some symptoms of uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) include:

  • Wanting to urinate more often and urgently, even if only a few drops
  • Burning pain or a ‘scalding’ sensation when urinating
  • A feeling the bladder is still full after urinating
  • Pain above the pubic bone

Statistics show that 50% of Australian women experience a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in their lifetime and one in three women will have at least one UTI that needs treatment with antibiotics before the age of 24. The sooner a UTI is diagnosed and treated, the less likely it is to experience further complications that may result in hospitalisation.

About this service

A private consultation with your 777 Pharmacist is available for females aged 18 to 65 years old. 

  • At your consultation, your Pharmacist will ask you some screening questions in a private consultation area to ensure you receive the right treatment and care.
  • Our Pharmacists work collaboratively with GPs to improve access to primary care though diagnosis and treatment and potentially avoid delays to accessing care.
  • Treatment options may include antibiotics or referral to a medical practitioner in more severe cases.

A consultation fee applies in all states except Victoria. The cost of the medication, if deemed appropriate, also applies in all States.

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Please remember to bring your Medicare card to the appointment (or an official form of identification which includes your date of birth and residential address).



About UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections)

Urinary tract infections, commonly referred to as UTI's and also known as cystitis, are infections that can affect the urethra, bladder and/or kidneys. They are more common in women than men for two main reasons:

1. in women the opening to the urethra (the tube that empties the urine from the bladder) is in closer proximity to the anus than it is in men, allowing for easy transfer of bacteria from one opening to another, and

2. in women the urethra is much shorter than it is in men, thereby allowing for easy passage of bacteria to move from the external opening to inside the urinary system.

The risk of developing a UTI is higher for:

  • women who are

-sexually active
-pregnant or have recently given birth

  • people who

-are sedentary or less mobile
-use urinary catheters regularly
-have diabetes, especially when blood sugars are not managed well
-have a weakened immune system

  • infants and babies
  • older people

See more information in our FAQs


Self-care Advice

  • Drink plenty of water (2 litres a day)
  • Urinate when the need is there and do not put it off
  • Minimise irritation in the area by not using strong or highly perfumed soaps, talcum powder or deodorants
  • After going to the toilet, wipe from the vagina towards the anus (front to back) to avoid spreading bacteria
  • Wear cool cotton underwear, rather than a synthetic material. Avoid wearing pantyhose and tight jeans
  • Do not sit in cold or draughty areas, particularly when you are wet e.g. after swimming
  • After going to the toilet, wipe from the vagina towards the anus (front to back) to avoid spreading bacteria



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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the causes of UTIs?

    E.Coli, a type of bacteria commonly found in the bowel is the most common cause of UTI’s. 

    -Normal sexual activity can result in bacteria from the anal area to be moved closer to the female urethra. 

    -Mechanical or neurological abnormality of the kidneys and/or bladder.

    -Chronic constipation can prevent proper emptying of the bladder.

    -Lower oestrogen levels (post menopause) can cause changes to the bladder making infection more likely.

    -People with catheters are more likely to get UTI’s.

  • What at the symptoms of UTIs?

    The symptoms of a UTI may include burning on urination, sore back and side, frequent and small amounts of urination, blood in the urine, or fever.

    In infants and the elderly, symptoms may be non-specific, such as fever, weight loss, little to no burning or pain, vomiting, or confusion. 

  • How can I prevent UTIs?

    To help reduce the risk of UTIs in females, some handy tips are:

    -Drink enough water every day to keep your urine ‘light-coloured’ (unless a doctor advises you not to). 

    -Urinate when you feel the urge, rather than holding on. 

    -Wear cotton underwear. 

    -Avoid using perfumed soap or talcum powder around your genital area.

    -Wipe from front to back (urethra to anus) after passing urine or emptying your bowels.

    -Empty your bladder soon after sex. 

    -Wash your genital area every day.

    -In post-menopausal women, local oestrogen gel to the vaginal area can prevent UTI’s from occurring.

  • I suffer from recurring UTIs. What should I do?

    If you experience UTI symptoms frequently, you may need treatment that aims to prevent future infections. Ask your Doctor or Pharmacist for advice.

  • When should I seek urgent support?

    Some UTIs can be serious. 

    See your Doctor straight away if:

    -your symptoms are not improving within 2-3 days after starting antibiotic treatment; OR return within 2 weeks after finishing antibiotic treatment, OR get worse after treatment

    -new symptoms develop 

    -you experience symptoms of a kidney infection (fever, chills, back or side pain, nausea or vomiting)

    For urgent access to advice and medical care:

    -call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to speak to a registered nurse (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week);

    -or go to an after-hours clinic or hospital emergency department or call 000 for an ambulance