Accidents and mishaps can happen at any time. From minor cuts, burns or abrasions, your 777 Pharmacists can support to care for your wound recovery, together with your health care network.
Caring for your wound is very important. Proper wound care and professional support may help to prevent infection or other complications and may optimise your healing time with less scarring.
If you have an acute wound such as a minor burn, skin tear, laceration, abrasion, or a post-operative wound, your 777 Pharmacist is here to support you.

Who can benefit from this service?
Anyone with an acute wound (such as a minor burn, skin tear, laceration, abrasion, or post-operative wound), of all ages is eligible for this service.
What to expect?
Your appointment will take between 15-30 minutes, depending on the assessment and management of your wound. This service will be delivered in a private consultation room by a trained 777 Pharmacist who will provide:
An initial assessment (for any necessary referral)
Wound first aid, including cleansing and dressing the wound
Wound management recommendations and support with pain and medication management
A wound aftercare plan and schedule follow-up (if required) to manage your recovery and your risk of infection
Referral and/or collaboration with your healthcare team to support your recovery
A consultation fee* will apply which may include wound first aid, further assessment, management, and referral. *This consultation fee excludes dressings and consumables. If a follow-up appointment is required, then a further consultation fee may be required.
Book your private appointment or talk to your 777 Pharmacist today.
Please note: If you have a severe wound, including uncontrollable or severe bleeding, burns or a life-threatening injury, you will need to call 000 for an ambulance immediately, or present to your local Emergency Department for treatment as soon as possible.
Is your First Aid Kit up-to-date?
A First Aid Kit is an essential item for your home, workplace, and vehicle and should be updated regularly to make sure items are clean, sealed, re-stocked and within their expiry date. Click here for a full list of basic and additional items to include in your First Aid Kit.
HBF Member?
HBF Health Members in WA can visit us to access a range of convenient health services and benefits. Find out more here.
Frequently asked questions.
What happens after my appointment?
During your appointment your Pharmacist will assess whether a follow-up appointment or referral is necessary as part of your wound aftercare plan. Your Pharmacist will determine whether it is necessary to schedule a follow-up appointment to manage your recovery and the risk of infection. If required, your Pharmacist can also collaborate with your healthcare team, to ensure you are supported during your recovery.
What happens if I can't attend my follow-up appointment due to illness or isolation?
If you become unwell or cannot make it into pharmacy for your follow-up appointment, our 777 team can continue to support you at home with services such as home delivery if you require medications or wound dressings delivered to your home.
What support is available to me if my wound gets worse or becomes infected?
As part of this service, your Pharmacist can provide advice on how to look for any signs of infection, or if and when to seek further medical advice.
Your Pharmacist will provide you with aftercare instructions to care for your wound and assist wound healing, as part of your wound management plan.